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This vaporizer kit includes a carrying case, battery, USB charger, and KangerTech Mini ProTank 3. It’s a solid vaporize that’s easy to use and maintains the same quality over several refills. Cases color may vary. The cases now say "Royale" instead of G1

G1 Vaporizer + 50mg Alternate Vape

SKU: G1-V-Sa
  • • G1 carrying case

    • Silver G1 Royal vaporizer battery

    • USB charger

    • Silver KangerTech Mini Protank 3 (mouthpiece, glass tank, coil threaded base)

  • All parts can be attached or detached by twisting them on or off.

    Carefully follow these instructions to fill your G1 tank. With the mouthpiece attached, remove the coil and pour oil in around the edges of the tank. Do not get any oil inside the center hole or the vaporizer will not function properly. Oil will not escape through the mouthpiece, so you can safely have that side facing down as you fill the tank.

    Do not use the vaporizer for 5-10 minutes after the first fill. This will insure the coil is properly soaked and prevent burn damage to the coil.

    To turn the G1 on or off, quickly press the button (located on the battery) 5 times. The button has a ring around it containing lights that will blink as it turns on or off. We recommend keeping the battery off when not in use for optimal battery life.

    To charge, twist the battery off, attach it to the charger and plug the USB end into a USB port. When removing the battery, you may need to hold on the base (the metal piece located between the tank and battery) to secure it and insure that it stays attached to the tank.

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